Leading Testings:
Testing gluten content on any food & beverage products. Suitable for palm sugar, cookies, coconut crisp, etc.
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Most Highlighted Testings:
BPOM: Microbiology
See BPOM reference document:
Parameters Included:
All mentioned in the requirements
Compatible to:
Following PERKBPOM No. 13 Tahun 2019, microbiology testing must be performed 5x (n=5). Test result & certificates are supporting BPOM requirements.
Nutrition Fact
Parameters Included:
Energy Measurement, Total Protein, Total Carbohydrate, Total Fat, Ash Content, Mineral Content, Total Sugar, Natrium (Na) Content, and Saturated Fat
Compatible to:
Label to indicate product's nutritional value based on BPOM requirements. You will receive a nutrition fact label template along with the analysis certificate.
Water Testing
A chemical & microbiological testing which are applicable for drinking water, tap water, and any water samples. The test was following PERMENKES RI no. 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010 which become the nationwide requirement for industrial quality control, HACCP, even ISO 22000 in Indonesia.