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MBRIO Certification Body
Attesting your safe food practices
Credible and officially accredited certification body that helps improve the credibility of the management system and food safety program.
Lembaga sertifikasi yang kredibel dan secara resmi telah terakreditasi yang membantu meningkatkan kredibilitas sistem manajemen serta program keamanan pangan industri pangan.
Certification Services
Jasa Sertifikasi kami meliputi :
ISO 9001 for Food Industry
ISO 22000 or FSMS (Food Safety Management System)
HACCP for food industry, agriculture, retailer, restaurant, hotel and catering
Hygiene inspections and sanitation
Gap assessment ISO 9001, SHACCP and ISO 22000
Accreditated by
terakreditasi oleh :
Our Products
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